Extension Config File (extension.config.js)

Warning: This feature is a work in progress and may be incomplete or subject to change. If you see an error or something that could be improved, please make a pull-request. The link that documents this feature can be found at the bottom of the page.

The extension.config.js file enables developers to adjust the behavior of Extension.js. This configuration file provides flexibility by enabling browser-specific configurations, command customization, and support for the massive ecosystem of webpack loaders and plugins.

How Does It Work?

The extension.config.js file includes the following keys:

  • browser: Defines browser-specific configurations.
  • commands: Customizes the behavior of commands (dev, preview, build).
  • config: Modifies the webpack configuration for further flexibility.

Browser Configuration

The browser key allows setting up browser-specific preferences, profiles, binaries, and flags. Below is an example configuration for Chrome and Firefox:

browser: {
  chrome: {
    profile: 'path/to/profile',
    preferences: { darkMode: true },
    browserFlags: ['--disable-web-security'],
    chromeBinary: 'path/to/custom/chrome',
  firefox: {
    geckoBinary: 'path/to/custom/firefox',
  • profile: Specifies the path to the browser profile.
  • preferences: Customizes preferences such as dark mode.
  • browserFlags: Adds flags to the browser launch process.
  • chromeBinary: Sets a custom Chrome binary.
  • geckoBinary: Sets a custom Firefox binary.

Commands Configuration

Use the commands key to customize how Extension.js runs commands like dev, preview, and build. Here's an example:

commands: {
  dev: {
    browser: 'chrome',
    polyfill: true,
  build: {
    zipFilename: 'my-extension.zip',
    zip: true,
    zipSource: true,
  • browser: Specifies the browser to use during dev or preview mode.
  • polyfill: Enables polyfills for legacy browser compatibility.
  • zipFilename: Sets the filename for the output zip file during the build process.
  • zip: Enables zipping the extension during the build process.
  • zipSource: Includes the source code in the zip file.

Webpack Configuration

The config key allows you to modify the default webpack configuration. This gives you the power to add additional loaders or plugins:

config: (config) => {
    test: /\.mdx$/,
    use: ["babel-loader", "@mdx-js/loader"],
  return config;

This example adds MDX support by modifying webpack's module rules.

Example extension.config.js

Here is a sample extension.config.js file that combines browser, command, and webpack customization:

const NodePolyfillPlugin = require('node-polyfill-webpack-plugin')

/** @type {import('extension').FileConfig} */
module.exports = {
  browser: {
    chrome: {
      profile: "path/to/chrome/profile",
      preferences: { theme: "dark" },
      browserFlags: ["--disable-extensions"],
    firefox: {
      geckoBinary: "path/to/custom/firefox",
  commands: {
    dev: {
      browser: "firefox",
      profile: "path/to/firefox/profile",
      polyfill: true,
    preview: {
      browser: "chrome",
    build: {
      zipFilename: "extension.zip",
      zip: true,
  config: (config) => {
    config.plugins = [
      new NodePolyfillPlugin({
        additionalAliases: ['process']

    return config


Best Practices

  • Use the extension.config.js file: Leverage the extension.config.js file to customize your extension's behavior.
  • Separate browser-specific configurations: Keep browser-specific configurations in the browser key.
  • Customize commands: Use the commands key to adjust the behavior of commands like dev, preview, and build.

Next Steps