Web Accessible Resources

Web-accessible resources are files within an extension that can be accessed by web pages or other extensions. These resources are often used for images, scripts, or stylesheets that are required by content scripts or pages embedded within an extension's context.

Extension.js ensures proper handling of web_accessible_resources paths in your manifest.json, including assets imported in content scripts. This feature allows you to expose certain files from your extension to external web pages or make them available for other parts of the extension.

Web Accessible Resources Support

The following manifest field is used to declare web-accessible resources:

Manifest Field File Type Expected HMR Support
web_accessible_resources Any file type Yes

Sample manifest.json File

Here's an example of how to declare web-accessible resources in the manifest.json file:

  "manifest_version": 3,
  "name": "My Extension",
  "version": "1.0",
  "web_accessible_resources": [
      "resources": ["images/*.png", "scripts/*.js", "styles/*.css"],
      "matches": ["<all_urls>"]
  "content_scripts": [
      "matches": ["https://example.com/*"],
      "css": ["styles/content.css"],
      "js": ["scripts/content.js"]

In this example, the web_accessible_resources field exposes specific resources (images, scripts, styles) for web pages that match the pattern defined in matches.

Handling Web-Accessible Resources Not Declared in manifest.json

If you need to include additional files as web-accessible resources but prefer not to declare them directly in the manifest.json, you can place these files in the /public folder. Extension.js will automatically process and make them accessible without needing to modify the manifest.

Example Usage: Place your web-accessible files in the /public folder for automatic handling:

└── assets/
    ├── images/
    │   └── logo.png
    ├── scripts/
    │   └── external.js
    └── styles/
        └── global.css

For more information, refer to the Special Folders documentation.

Output Path

The output path for web-accessible resources will follow the structure defined in your manifest or the /public folder. The resulting files will look like this:

└── images/
    └── logo.png
└── scripts/
    └── external.js
└── styles/
    └── global.css

How Extension.js Handles Web Accessible Resources

The plugin responsible for handling web-accessible resources in Extension.js performs the following tasks:

  1. Generate Manifest Patches: It updates the manifest.json file with paths for web-accessible resources based on the content scripts and assets being used.
  2. Add Resources to Compilation: Assets used in content scripts or referenced in the manifest are added to the compilation process.
  3. Emit Assets: All assets declared as web-accessible are emitted to the output directory.
  4. Support for Multiple Asset Types: The plugin supports various file types including images, scripts, and stylesheets.
  5. Error Handling: It checks for missing assets and issues warnings if resources declared in the manifest are not found during the build process.

Best Practices

  • Always declare resources in web_accessible_resources if they are intended to be accessible by web pages or other external scripts.
  • Place additional resources that need to be web-accessible in the /public folder to keep your manifest.json clean and organized.
  • Ensure your content scripts correctly reference these assets, especially when working with external web pages.

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