
Page Reload and Hot Module Replacement (HMR)

Extension.js provides powerful reloading capabilities during development, ensuring that code updates are automatically applied without needing to manually refresh the extension.

Extension.js enables HMR for JavaScript and CSS files, while automatically handling more complex reloading scenarios for files like the manifest.json, service_worker.js, and locale files. This system helps maintain a fast development experience by avoiding manual reloading where possible.

Below is an overview of how different parts of the extension are reloaded:

How Does It Work?

The reloading behavior in Extension.js is designed to provide a great development experience by automatically updating the extension when changes are detected. The following features are supported:

Hot Reloaded Features

Most parts of your extension can be hot-reloaded during development, allowing you to see the updates immediately without losing your extension's state. The following files support HMR:

Feature Description
Content scripts JavaScript and CSS defined in content_scripts are hot-reloaded.
Background scripts Background files are hot-reloaded, except for the service worker.
Injected scripts Scripts injected into web pages via scripting.executeScript are hot-reloaded.
HTML files HTML pages in the /pages folder are hot-reloaded.
Script files in HTML Scripts sourced from HTML pages are hot-reloaded.
CSS files in HTML Stylesheets linked in HTML pages are hot-reloaded.

Features That Require Hard Reload

Some parts of your extension cannot be hot-reloaded, and a hard reload is required. The following updates will trigger a full browser extension reload:

Feature Description
manifest.json Any changes to the manifest file will trigger a full extension reload.
Service worker Updating the service_worker.js file requires a full reload by the extension runtime.
Locale files Changes to localization files (inside _locales) also require a hard reload.
HTML/Scripts in manifest Any HTML, script, or CSS files referenced directly in the manifest require a full reload.

Reloading Scripts and HTML Outside the Manifest

Extension.js also supports hot-reloading for scripts and HTML files not declared in the manifest.json. HTML files placed in the /pages directory and script files in the /scripts directory can be hot-reloaded during development. This ensures that even extra files not listed in the manifest are processed and updated dynamically.


└── extra-page.html
└── extra-script.js

Note: The /pages and /scripts folders are special folders recognized by Extension.js for hot-reloading. Each entry in these folders is treated as a separate page or script that can be reloaded independently.

Best Practices

  • Avoid modifying the manifest.json frequently to prevent unnecessary full reloads.
  • Use the /pages or /scripts folders for HTML and script files that need to be hot-reloaded and are not declared in the manifest.

Next Steps