Dev Command

Warning: This feature is a work in progress and may be incomplete or subject to change. If you see an error or something that could be improved, please make a pull-request. The link that documents this feature can be found at the bottom of the page.

The dev command in Extension.js is responsible for running your extension in development mode. This command will start a new browser instance with your extension bundled and ready to run, while also enabling live-reload as you modify the extension files during development.


You can run the dev command with the following syntax:

npx extension@latest dev [extension-path | extension-url] [options]


The dev command is essential for a fast development workflow. It watches for changes in your extension's files, recompiles them, and reloads the extension in real time. If you provide a URL, Extension.js will download and run the extension as if it were local.

It supports multiple browsers, and you can specify which one to use by passing the --browser flag. Setting the browser to "all" will open the extension in all available browsers. If a browser is not installed, the command will throw a compiler error.

Arguments and Flags

Below is a breakdown of the available flags for the dev command:

Flag Argument What it does Defaults to
[path or url] The extension path or the remote extension URL If a path is defined, it loads the local extension. If a URL is provided, it pulls the extension from a remote source and loads it as a local extension process.cwd()
-b, --browser The browser that will run the extension Changes the browser (chrome, edge, all) "chrome"

Best Practices

  • Browser Specific Configurations: You can use the --browser flag to run your extension in different browsers during the development process.

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