CSS Modules

CSS Modules allow for locally scoped class names and animation names by default, helping to prevent naming collisions in your extension's styling.

Extension.js offers built-in support for CSS Modules, including support for Sass modules (*.module.sass, *.module.scss).

Starter CSS Module Template

Extension.js includes a New Tab CSS Module template that provides a great starting point for using CSS Modules in your extension. This is the simplest way to integrate CSS Modules into your project.

CSS Module Extension Template

Try it yourself

npx extension@latest create my-extension --template=new-css-modules

Usage With An Existing Extension

Extension.js offers zero-config support for CSS Modules. To use CSS Modules in your existing extension, rename your CSS file with the .module.css suffix. This automatically enables CSS Modules for that file.

- myComponentCss.css
+ myComponentCss.module.css

Usage Example

After renaming your CSS file, import and use it in your component:

import buttonStyles from "./styles/myComponent.module.css";

const button = document.createElement("button");
button.className = buttonStyles.primary;
button.innerText = "Click here";

This approach ensures that the primary class is scoped locally to your component, preventing any global style collisions.

React/Preact Example Usage

For React or Preact, you can import and use the CSS Module in the component like this:

import styles from "./styles/myComponent.module.css";

export default function NewTabPage() {
  return <button className={styles.primary}>Click here</button>;

Vue Example Usage

In Vue, you can import CSS Modules and use scoped styles like this:

  <button :class="$style.primary">Click here</button>

import styles from "./styles/myComponent.module.css";
export default {
  data() {
    return { styles };

<style module>
@import "./styles/myComponent.module.css";

Svelte Example Usage

In Svelte, you can import and use CSS Modules as follows:

  import styles from './styles/myComponent.module.css';

<button class={styles.primary}>Click here</button>

<style module>
  @import './styles/myComponent.module.css';

Next Steps