🧩 Extension

Browser Runners

Browser Runners allow developers to run their extension against multiple browser targets with built-in integration with the extension bundle, and offer support for useful commands such as setting up the default home page.


  • Zero-config auto-reload for virtually everything including all HTML overrides, and every resource you plan to require via <script> and <link> in manifest declared HTML pages.
  • Fresh profile with developer mode enabled by default on every run. (customizable)
  • Opens the handy "chrome://extensions" by default for fast debugging.
  • Uses the system browser instead of fully downloading Chrome. (accepts Canary builds)
  • Closing the webpack process instantly kills all child processes. No extra steps to open/close Chrome.
  • Supports virtually all Chrome flags.


new RunChromeExtension(options)


extensionPath (required)

Type: string

Path to your extension. Must point to the same directory as the manifest file.

browserFlags (optional)

Type: Array<string>

Additional flags to pass to Chrome. Defaults to these flags.

For a full list of available flags, see https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/.

userDataDir (optional)

Type: string | boolean

What Chrome profile path to use. A boolean value of false sets the profile to the default user profile. Defaults to a fresh Chrome profile.

startingUrl (optional)

Type: string

What URL to start the browser with. Defaults to about:blank

autoReload (optional)

Type: boolean

Whether to enable auto-reload on save. Defaults to true

port (optional)

Type: number

What port should run the extension reloader. Defaults to 8081

npx extension dev my-extension --browser=<browser-name>

Desktop Browsers

Browser Website Supported
Google Chrome https://chrome.google.com
Mozilla Firefox https://mozilla.org/firefox ⛔️
Microsoft Edge https://microsoft.com/edge
Opera https://opera.com ⛔️
Brave https://brave.com ⛔️
Vivaldi https://vivaldi.com ⛔️
Safari (macOS) https://apple.com/safari ⛔️

Mobile Browsers

Browser Website Supported
Firefox for Android https://mozilla.org/firefox/mobile ⛔️
Kiwi Browser https://kiwibrowser.com ⛔️

It also includes support for running the following browsers:

chrome, edge chrome edge

Desktop Browsers


Mobile Browsers


Desktop Browsers: Google Chrome: Supports web extensions through the Chrome Web Store. Mozilla Firefox: Has support for web extensions available through the Firefox Add-ons site. Microsoft Edge: The newer versions of Edge, based on Chromium, support web extensions available on the Microsoft Store. Opera: Supports web extensions and has its own add-ons site, but can also use Chrome's extensions via an add-on. Brave: Built on the Chromium project, supports the same web extensions as Chrome. Vivaldi: Another Chromium-based browser that supports web extensions from the Chrome Web Store.

Mobile Browsers: Firefox for Android (Fenix): Supports a limited set of web extensions specifically curated for mobile. Kiwi Browser: An Android browser based on Chromium that supports Chrome extensions. Yandex Browser: Available for Android and supports web extensions.

🧩 Extension • create cross-browser extensions with no build configuration.