
Extension offers first-class support for the utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building modern extensions without ever leaving your HTML.

Starter Tailwind Templates

The easiest way to get started with Tailwind CSS with Extension is using a template. Currently, there are three templates that include Tailwind CSS as a dependency. See $(convert_to_link ""Templates"") to learn more.

Usage With An Existing Extension


Install required dependencies:

npx install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer

Generates Tailwind.css config files:

  • postcss.config.js
  • tailwind.config.js
npx tailwindcss init -p


In tailwind.config.js, add the paths to the files you want Tailwind to work:

// tailwind.config.js

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  content: [
    // Optional: Note the addition of the `pages` directory.
    // See "Special Folders" in this documentation for info.

    // Applies to everyone. Note the "html" file extension which
    // is not common for React apps but for regular HTML extensions.

    // Or if using `src` directory:
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [],


Tailwind generated styles by injecting CSS directives to a Global Stylesheet in your extension, so you need to import the global file in a place where these styles can be inherit.

First, create the global CSS file.

/* css/globals.css */

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

Now, add css/globals.css as an import for the file you want Tailwind.css to work. For example:

In An HTML File

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <title>New Extension</title>
    <!-- Add the Tailwind global stylesheet -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/globals.css" media="screen" />
    <!-- Add the styles you need -->
    <h1 className="text-4xl font-bold">Hello, Extension.</h1>

In A JavaScript File

// ./NewTabApp.jsx

import "./css/globals.css";

export default function MyNewTabPage() {
  return <h1 className="text-4xl font-bold">Hello, Extension.</h1>;

In A content_script File

// ./content_script.jsx

// There is no HTML in a content_script file, so
// we import our global CSS file via dynamic import.

export default function MyNewTabPage() {
  return <h1 className="text-3xl font-bold underline">Hello, Extension!</h1>;

In The manifest.json File

The manifest.json file supports .css extensions for content_scripts.

  "manifest_version": 3,
  "version": "1.0",
  "name": "My Content Scripts Extension",
  "content_scripts": [
      "matches": ["<all_urls>"],
+     "css": ["./css/global.css"]

Next Steps

  • Ensure the semantics and code quality of your CSS files by using Stylelint.